Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Day 1 -- Circle Game One

First from several lists, I chose three words: banister, harried, massage. Then I am instructed to use these three words in a story that begins with

Sometimes I feel just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel....

but today somehow I flew off of the wheel (guess i got to running too fast in my harried little world) and landed at the top of the banister to the lovely polished stairs in the house that I live. I sat and thought for quite a while. What an adventure it would be to just let myself slide down that banister and find out just what is at the bottom. I see a door. I came in it once, but have never been back out. I do know it leads to the wide, wide world and the thought, though tantalizing, is frightening. Do I have the courage to go? Sitting here at the top of the banister, I think no, I don't have enough courage. But maybe if I just go, it won't matter if I have the courage or not. I will be forced to respond to my decision. Perhaps that is all that courage is; a forced repsonse to what's happening around you. So I can sit here and massage my worries til they grow into a frenzied pitch or I can just go. Whao!!!! I sliiiiiiipped! Off I go; the choice is made; courage or not-- here I gooo and when I get to the bottom, I think I'll just stroll on out the door! I think this will be fun. I hated that damn wheel anyway.

One exercise down, 365 to go!

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