Thursday, December 29, 2005

Day 3 -- Far, Far Away

Step I:

Today I'm supposed to think of someone who really bugs and annoys me and then of a place I'd like to send them and mentally send them there.

The problem is...if you can believe this, no one really annoys me right now. It's not because I live on some sainted plain, I'm just a little isolated right now being in the final throws of pregnancy and I'm not really "out there" enough to be annoyed by much of anyone. I guess I'll just think of an annoying person in general and go from there!

The postcard arrived.....from Thelma. She had arrived in the midst of nowhere without incident (just like her...everything just perfect) and was happy to say that her accommodations were pleasing. Sparse and dull. She was actually looking forward to a week with nothing to do and nothing in particular to think about. You see how annoying she is, you can't even make her suffer in misery. She babbled on about the joy of looking into the horizon and seeing nothing but hundreds of miles of empty space, except for the odd tumbleweed blowing across the dusty expanse, and went on about having no responsibilities, no children pulling at her skirts, no guilt from people calling to ask her for things, and no "friends" trying to do her favors. She went on and on about nothing. by the time she was done, I WANTED TO BE THERE TOO. Damn her! She really annoys me.

Step II:

Describe the ideal place to write. Be very specific and detailed. Go there in your mind the next time you write. See how your writing changes.

It's a small office off the back end of my house that sits on a cliff in Eluethera, on the Caribbean side. There are large windows and its painted in soft, cool greens. The desk sits just under the large window and there are fluffy sofas on the other side of the room. Soft, instrumental music of varying kinds plays in the CD player, while fresh flowers fill the air with a constant sweet scent. I am completely relaxed. It is impossible to be upset or uptight here. Even the most complex and burdensome situation is clear here. I breathe and write easily.

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