Sunday, January 01, 2006

Day 4 -- Terrible Twos

In this exercise, I am 2 years old. Write from this perspective. Be childlike. Play!

Give myself a name with the initials C.A. T

Eye color: blue
hiar color: blond
Favorite food: cheese sticks
sibling: George, 6yrs
How he treats me: he gives me cookies all the time
Thoughts on toilet training: why bother?

Begin with:

Here I am stuck in my crib.....I sposed to be asleep. It's nap time. I won't sleep though cause I was busy and I'm just going to scream until mommy comes back and gets me out. EEEEEEEh!!! Footsteps, here she comes. That didn't take as long as yesterday. Wait, the footsteps are gone! Turn it up a notch....eeeeeeh...ahhhhhhh. I not tired! I jus woke up!!! I want to play with my doctor kit!!!! oh? Footsteps again...coming to get me...yeah! Footsteps gone? (Big Yawn), I will rest a minute....then turn it up again.....ooooh my pillow is comfy....uhmmm ...maybe jus a must keep screa.....zzzZZZZZZZ....I'll try again later.....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

This needs work. This baby doesn't seem coy. Will come back later today.

Part II:

In what area of creativity are you stuck? Making time every day....I'm thinking this book will help. The exercises are fun. Now I have to complete my second assignment for the Children's Literature Institute. That will be a big hurdle. I'd really like to do it before my baby is delivered on Feb 7th (C-section).

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